Catalonia, 2011
    New Construction
    Area 243 m²
    Photography by Ciro Frank Schiappa

    In this house, located on the outskirts of Barcelona, the client’s instructions were very clear from the beginning: the main objective of the project was to create a space that could transmit tranquility, well-being, order, and where the routes and relationships between the rooms were easy and fluid, without sacrificing privacy.

    Despite the difficult topography, the careful study of the building section has allowed to transform a difficulty into a positive element: all the floors are related to the terrain, which is accessed, in some cases, through the transitional space of the terraces.

    The domestic space establishes a strong relationship with the exterior space of the garden and the landscape.

    The use of few materials and the rejection of anything superfluous, increase the sense of order and harmony and allows light to become the true protagonist of the project, emphasizing the geometric play of the cuts of the false ceilings and at the same time defining the volumes and dematerializing their confines.